Mission Opportunities

mission_comm_blog Midnight Run
Mark your calendars!  We will be going on a Midnight Run on Friday, September 19th. We’ve got a driver (thank you, Jack Shaughnessy!) and the beginnings of a team (Elders Robin Corpolongo, Connie Knapp and Marisa Swift). We will also be reaching out to congregations in our Presbytery who have expressed an interest in supporting Midnight Runs.

  • Want to know more about what is involved? Visit http://midnightrun.org/  or speak with members of our congregation who have gone on previous runs.  Connie Knapp and Jean Post-Winget can answer questions.
  • Want to help?  We’ll need folks to provide all kinds of support before the run- providing bag lunches, providing clothing, sorting clothing, and getting us ready to go.
  • Want to join us?  We’ll be leaving from the church to get to the city around 10:30 PM, and we’ll stay until the food runs out, around 1 AM on Saturday morning.

Contact Jean Post-Winget or Connie Knapp  to get involved.

Hunger Action Network
We will be joining with the White Plains Presbyterian Church as part of the Hunger Action Network and working with Lori Hylton, the Presbytery’s Hunger Action Enabler, on a conference to be held in October in conjunction with Food Week of Action (October 12-19) and World Food Day (October 16).  Details to follow!

