Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about half of us will experience a diagnosable mental health condition at some point in life. In the extraordinary circumstances of a global pandemic, we are coping with prolonged stress, profound losses, and trauma. As has been observed for past epidemics, this creates a wave of mental health impacts.

Some of the many people on the emotional front lines of COVID-19 include:

  • Front-line health workers, first responders, caregivers and other essential workers.
  • People who become severely ill and their loved ones.
  • Loved ones separated during quarantine, hospitalization, and at the end of life.
  • People most at risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19.
  • People who lose livelihoods, lack healthcare access, risk losing homes, are food insecure.
  • People with limited access to social connection and support.
  • Children at home with parents unable to meet their physical and/or emotional needs.
  • Parents juggling jobs with childcare and home-schooling.
  • Couples whose relationships are strained by the added stress.


The Presbyterian Mission Agency provides a list of Mental Health resources to help cope with the emotional impact of the pandemic and to support our resilience.


There  have been over 100 congregation members who have responded to the MH survey already.  To those who have responded, thank you for your time and thoughtful responses. To those who haven’t, please take a few minutes, there are only 12 questions.  Our survey administrator tells us that the average responder is taking only 8 minutes to complete the survey.  Your input is vital to develop the direction of our mental health ministry.
