Garden of Hope Planting Days

Thanks to Pam Darreff and Allen Arnwine the seedlings were picked up and are at the garden!!  Planting days are planned for this Thursday—tomorrow and this coming Saturday, 6/17 all morning until done.

Thursday is 4 until dusk.  Saturday is 9:30-2!

This is important to get done so the plants don’t die.  Unfortunately it is last minute because of the air quality issues last week.  Please respond by e-mail to Heidi (see below) if you can make it.  We hope to have a good showing of our people to support this important work.

Thanks so much!!

Much communication about the Garden of Hope is done through our Realm group. If you want to be added to the GOH Realm team or if you have been on the list and can’t do it this year; please let Heidi Haring know: or Dawna Dennis;  Or you can ask to join the group on Realm.

