Easter Offering Continues Through April

All of this year’s Easter Offering will be used to support our NoonTime Meal mission.

Each day, the Salvation Army in Peekskill serves lunch to people in the community who have a hard time making ends meet. Once each month, a member of our congregation purchases food at the Cortlandt ShopRite and delivers it to the Salvation Army headquarters in Peekskill. Their employees use this food to prepare lunches for a long line of clients who show up at their door.

In 2022, the average number of NoonTime Meal clients was about 40. By 2023, this number had nearly doubled to 70. This year, the average number of people in need of lunch has skyrocketed to about 120 (and it has been as high as 150 on some days). This trend and its implication for the health and well-being of our local community is of course very worrisome. It is also placing an enormous strain on the Mission budget. Please consider making a generous contribution to the Easter Offering. We are hoping for a collective contribution of at least $1500 to help us continue our NoonTime Meal mission at a sufficient level.

The Easter Offering will be accepted through the end of April.

Thank you for your support! Give online, or with a check marked “Easter.”
