Pray For Our Chicago Mission Team

From July 15 through 20, thirteen members of our FPCY family will be working on a variety of service opportunities in Chicago as they seek to “See the face of God in the City” with DOOR. They will serve and learn about issues including poverty, hunger, homelessness, caring for the elderly, and reaching out to children at risk.

These life changing experiences are made possible in large part by the generosity of our congregation. Please consider making a contribution to help move our teams along on their journeys. Donation can also be made in church, in the office or online through MyFPCY: select the “Mission Trip Donations” Fund.

Team Chicago

Ethan Brown
TJ Chin
Tiffany Foxworth
Lilly Golematis
David Golematis
Margaret Gruber
Matt Hager
Dan Hager
Steph Hare
Heidi Haring
Sophie Low
Tami Seidel
Lionel Wadsworth
