Why Teach Sunday School?

Why teach Sunday School? Bill Herman and Alice Chin, who both work with the Connect class (5th and 6th graders), and John Collins who works with our 3rd & 4th Graders reflect:

BILL: I teach because there is so much to learn. When a new topic is presented it is a great opportunity to revisit one’s own understanding of the topic and to deepen one’s thinking, feeling, and faith. The most gratifying and humbling moments in Sunday School, of course, come from the students themselves. The depth and seriousness of the questioning of faith by the students is amazing. They are very thoughtful, concerned, and interested in what God calls them to do and how God’s creation works.

The children seem to enjoy the curriculum and its mix of the silly and the serious. The teachers like the curriculum because everything is laid out so nicely, it truly makes the process simple. It is hard to think of a more fun, rewarding, educational way to spend an hour on a Sunday.

ALICE: I share the same sentiment as Bill. What a privilege it is to serve in the capacity of a Sunday school teacher, because as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). I also hope that if you “Start your children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

While the weekly commitment may seem daunting, the time spent with the children and listening to their inquisitive and thoughtful questions bring such immeasurable rewards.

JOHN: I teach because of a basic care for learning & sharing, and how God’s love has been instrumental in my own Christian life. I believe I can share that with the Sunday School Children. It has been a growing experience working with them. Concepts of Stewardship & Love are enlightening discussions. Stewardship as a concept of not only finance, but basically taking care of “God’s Stuff,” both religious and material. “Love” as a concept, explained & discussed with 3rd & 4th graders, was indeed a challenge! Love of Self, Others, how expressed and understood… Teaching was a challenge in concept and lots of fun in understanding & application. Give it a try, you will be surprised!!

Thank you to Alice, Bill and John for your thoughts, and for your commitment to the children of FPCY!

Interested in joining the ranks of our fabulous Sunday School staff?

Not all tasks require a weekly commitment, and many are shared amongst two or three. In addition to teachers (who teach in teams that switch off when possible), we can always use snack helpers; shepherds, who help out in the classroom (and quite literally “herd” the children from Gathering Time to class, then to their parents); and substitutes, to serve as a back-up when someone is ill or away.

Let us know if you’d like to know more! Come find Abby Cross, Andy Cross, or Bridget Bentley (the co-superintendents for 2018-2019), or email us at sundayschool@fpcyorktown.org.