Why Blue for Advent?

As we move through the church year, there are many symbols which the church uses to remind us of the significance of seasons and days.The liturgical colors orient us to the season of the church year and engage the sense of sight in worship. Red symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit. White and gold symbolize the days and seasons of joy, and mark pivotal events in the life of Christ (e.g., Christmas, Easter). Green symbolizes growth and marks Ordinary Time, the seasons after Epiphany and Pentecost, when we focus on the mission of the church. Purple and blue have been the traditional colors of Lent and Advent, seasons of penitence and preparation.

In more recent times, a number of churches have adopted blue as the color for Advent and purple for Lent. Blue represents hope and expectation, while the purple represents preparation and penitence. Deep blue is the color of the predawn sky, the color that covers the world in the dark, cold hours before the dawn. It is meant to inspire us in the hope of faith, and to encourage us to keep watch for the promised light of Christ, changing night into day, and darkness into light. As the color associated with Mary, blue reminds us that during Advent the church waits with Mary for the birth of Jesus.


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