Want to have church contact information …. on the go?

ChurchLifeYou probably already know that you can find contact information (email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, family members) for church members at MyFPCY on our website (of course, only for members who choose to share this information with other church members). The MyFPCY application is password protected, so only people associated with the church have access to this information.

You may not know that you can also easily get this same information on the go with the ChurchLife app, available on both iTunes and in the Google App store. Just search for “ChurchLife,” and download the app, or check here. Open the app, then swipe to the right to input your MyFPCY userid/password. Choose “Remember Me” so you don’t have to input your login each time. Have instant access to contact information!

Have questions about MyFPCY? Get your answers in our FAQ.

Remember that the MyFPCY login information is not (necessarily) the same as the “Giving” login information.

Don’t have a login to MyFPCY yet? Just go to the MyFPCY page, and sign up!

