Sunday, May 6th, is Youth Group Day!

Traditionally, Youth Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, but in May we are meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sundays: May 6 & 20.

So join us tomorrow as we make soup for the upcoming Midnight Run and check on the progress of our upcycled T-shirt rug.

Middle School Youth from 4:30 – 6 pm. High School Youth meet from 6 – 8 pm (Enter through the Pre-school doors – the red double doors by the playground).

And don’t forget about some of the other ways to get involved in the life of our congregation. See below for info on:

The Annual Progressive Dinner June 9
Vacation Bible School July 9-13

And especially for High School students:

Midnight Run! May 18

See you Sunday!
