Message from Garrett December 2021

As we prepare for Advent, I think it’s pertinent to reflect on the music ministry here at the church. Advent is a season in the Church’s life intended to renew the experience of waiting, and longing; it is the time in which Christians prepare for Christmas, the memorial of Jesus Christ incarnate. The word became flesh (John 1:14).

Much of my spirituality is practiced and experienced through music and I have a deep love of improvisation and spontaneity. There’s a serene moment in improvisation where we all experience something for the first time at the same time. It is a wall-breaking moment if we allow ourselves to be present and witness not only our experience, but the experience of others as well. I have a driver’s seat view of the music at this church and am constantly thinking about what music means, not only in our worship, but how it lives and breathes in all of us in those aforementioned moments.

There will be a Music Ministry meeting on Sunday, December 4th, at 4:00pm in the Music office. This meeting is open to everyone. This meeting is to address the current practices of the music ministry, the future practices, the reinvestment of youth, the concert series, and the infrastructure that needs to be in place for us to be successful.

Looking forward to seeing you all there and experiencing fully what music means to you and how we can move forward in faith. Garrett
