Mental Health Ministry Update

Since conducting the first MH101 class on August 26th, the FPCY mental health team has continued to discuss ways to explore the impact of mental health challenges among our congregation and the community. Some of the teams efforts include:

  • researching relevant informational pamphlets and books to add to our church library
  • attendance at local and national forums to network with various faith communities discussing mental health ministries
  • establishing a schedule to conduct MH101 and Companionship training in 2022
  • exploring potential advocacy opportunities
  • updating our church mental health webpage and creating short reminders in our weekly church bulletin.

On Monday, November 8th, the Mental Health team hosted a fellowship evening of Healing and Sharing. Recognizing that the holiday season can bring on or worsen feelings of anxiety and depression, the evening was designed to provide an opportunity for a deeper spiritual connection. With scripture as our guide we discussed the impact mental health challenges has had on our lives and how we dealing with these challenges. During this safe and sacred time, individual prayer ribbons were created; seven word prayers were composed; individuals shared concerns; moments of silence allowed prayers for all participants. The group dynamic transitioned from shared individual expression to the creation of a beautiful poem reflecting the transition from pain to healing. The presence of the Holy Spirit led us through this powerful evening. The Mental Health Team plans to conduct these events throughout the coming year in addition to our planned training programs.
