Update from the Green Team

Each year Earth Care congregations are asked to participate in a recertification process. The process depends on how long a congregation has been certified.

FPCY was certified as an Earth Care Congregation by PC(USA) in 2015, so this year marked our sixth recertification. We have moved from a lengthy spread sheet to a simple narrative of what we’ve accomplished during the past year. Here’s an extract from our narrative report:

During this second year of the COVID pandemic, we continued with as many outside activities as possible. This included:

  • An outdoor Earth Day service
  • Continued participation in The Garden of Hope, an interfaith partnership growing food for neighborhood food pantries, including our own
  • An outdoor labyrinth walk hosted for the community
  • A series of hikes, coordinated by our church and posted on Facebook as Pilgrims of the Hudson Valley
    We began the walks in May 2021 and during 2021 hosted a walk once a month from May 2021 until December 2021

We have been re-certified for another year, thanks to the efforts of this caring congregation.

Interested in helping us celebrate Earth Day? Please let Connie Knapp (connie.knapp@icloud.com) know how you’d like to be involved. We’ll be planning a worship service and showing a film. Got other good ideas? We’d love to hear them.
