The Faith Hub for the March to End Fossil Fuels — September 17 in NYC

The Faith Hub for the March to End Fossil Fuels will include Green Faith, Presbyterians for Earth Care, Fossil Free PCUSA and HRPGreen, plus groups from a variety of other faiths. Below is information for the Meet Up Location. HRPGreen will attempt to gather near the Presbyterians for Earth Care contingent. See below for specific information:

On September 17 the Multi-faith Invocation Ceremony will begin at 11am, on 53rd St between Broadway and 7th Avenue. If you are traveling via subway, get off at the 7th Avenue Station exit on 53rd. Many people will be coming from their home congregations and/or traveling long distances. Please arrive to pray, sing, and march as soon as you are able!

See here for an updated flier with the new multi-faith ceremony start time and location: PNGPDF

Here is the latest schedule for September 17 (noting that bus schedules and specific faith group additional meet-ups are not included in this overview):

  • 11 AM – Multi-faith Worship Service (on 53rd, east of Broadway and west of 7th Ave)
  • 11:45 AM – Begin Faith Hub line-up (on Broadway, between 53 & 54, behind Labor Hub)
  • 12:51 PM – Muslim mid-day prayer (in the line-up)
  • (Approx) 1:15 PM – Begin march (we will depart from Broadway, between 53 & 54, behind Labor Hub)
  • 3:30-4:30 – March ends with rally at 1st Ave and 49 St
  • 4:30 – Rally program ends