News from your Green Team

Have you seen our solar panels? We hope so! As part of our Capital Campaign we have been able to put solar panels on our roof. Not only will we be getting our energy from a renewable source, we are also showing our neighbors that we “walk the talk.”

Our congregation joins others in the Hudson River Presbytery, including Rye Presbyterian and Pleasantville Presbyterian churches, that have benefited from the HRP Green “Solarize Your Congregation” program.

Over the past three years your Green Team has:

  • Led the congregation to become Green Faith certified through Green Faith, an interfaith program
  • Joined other congregations as an Earth Care Congregation, a PC(USA) program
  • Made us all aware of ways that we might care for our planet in both big and small ways


Donna Gresh and I have co-led the team through this period, and now we are inviting new leadership. Are you looking for a way to get involved in environmental stewardship? Want to learn more about the issues? Do you have some ideas of ways we might step up our commitment? We’d love to hear from you!

~Connie Knapp, for the Green Team
