Did you know we are a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation?

Our congregation formed a Green Team in 2014, intending to become a Green Faith Congregation in 2015. GreenFaith, founded in 1992, is an interfaith organization working “to avert the climate crisis.” In the early 2000s, GreenFaith had a program to certify congregations. By participating in that program, we also became certified as an Earth Care congregation of PC(USA). GreenFaith no longer certifies congregations, but we have continued to be part of the 331 PC(USA) Earth Care congregations. We must be recertified every year, and we received notice that we have been successfully recertified for 2024, as we have been every year since 2015.

We join two other Hudson River Presbytery Congregations, Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church and Larchmont Avenue Church which became Earth Care congregations in 2020 and 2022, respectively.

Want to know more? Or contact Connie Knapp.
