Reusable Bags at Triangle ACME Support FPCY Pantry Plus this May

You can never have too many reusable shopping bags right? Well, perhaps that’s not strictly true, but they are handy to have. Not only for the grocery shopping;  they are great for hauling supplies to a vacation rental, holding that stack of library books, carrying a load of heavy pet food cans, or bringing in your item-of-the-month donation to the Food Pantry.

Speaking of the Food Pantry….

Every $3.00 GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS reusable bag sold at the Yorktown Triangle Center ACME in May will generate a $1 donation for the FPCY Food Pantry Plus!

Consider adding to your collection.

Donations to the Food Pantry are always appreciated, either via check with a “Food Pantry” notation, or online.

