Our April 11 Food Pantry

A report from the Food Pantry team:

Many thanks to everyone who helped pack bags, manage traffic, hand out food, donate cereal or other items, or prayed for our team as we prepared for this week.  We had heard from other nearby pantries that April volume was much higher than March, and it was true for us today — but the team was ready and everything went very smoothly.

We saw the highest number of families (other than Thanksgiving pantries) since the height of the recession, and by far the largest number of new families ever in one pantry.  We also saw a shift to larger families this week.   Totals: 165 families, roughly 240 bags of groceries, 653 total individuals and 62 new families.  For context, while we only served about 70 extra families compared to March 28th, we helped 300 more people!  We continue to learn how to manage in the current environment, and will begin preparing for our April 25 pantry.

Thanks to all, and Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and Happy Spring!

~Katharine, Courtney and Liam

Online contributions to the Food Pantry are most welcome, as are contributions of breakfast cereal, and canned fruits and vegetables, which can be placed in the labeled bin at the back of the church building.

More information about the Food Pantry
