Faith for Life in Lent

Welcome to Lent, a time when we prepare ourselves for Easter. In some traditions, folks give up something for Lent. In other traditions, folks take on a spiritual practice or discipline for Lent.

Your Faith4Life planning team encourages you to consider attending one of the many study sessions planned for this season as your Lenten practice. Our worship design team has chosen the Lenten theme, Worship: The Heartbeat of Faith. On Sunday mornings we’ll explore various elements of worship, such as praising, repentance, listening, praying. Come and learn why we Presbyterians believe that worship is so important, explore the various parts of our worship service, and discover why our order of worship takes the form it takes. Sunday morning sessions will be led by members of the Faith4Life planning team. Please plan to join for one, two or all six sessions.

Thursday mornings we’ll be discussing Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginners Guide to Holy Week, a Lenten study that will explore among other aspects of the week Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem, his cleansing of the Temple, his teachings. The study includes a DVD with a short introduction to the week’s readings and a participant’s guide. Please join us for as many sessions as your schedule will allow.

The Women’s Circle will meet on Wednesday March 4th and Wednesday April 1 from 10:30 until noon, following the Presbyterian Women’s curriculum, Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments. All women are welcome, whether you have attended previous sessions or not. Come join us!

The Men’s Breakfast with Chip Low will be held at 7:30 on Saturday March 21, 2020 and Saturday April 18, 2020.

~Connie Knapp, for the Faith4Life Planning Team
