Let Me Be Your Hands

hands squareThree times mention is made in the Gospels of how children wanted to come to Jesus and how the Disciples tried to turn them away. Three times the writers recount that Jesus rebuked them and said, “Let the children come to me! Never send them away! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who have hearts as trusting as these little children.”

Can you imagine the excitement of the children when they were allowed to come, when Jesus told them how much he loved them as well as all people, individually – personally? They understood that Jesus meant everyone – young and old, rich or poor, strong or weak – and yes, especially those in greatest need, those held in the lowest esteem. How it must have impressed the children that Jesus would go out of his way to bless them and to touch and heal the sick, the lame, the despised, the lost, the hungry and the outcasts.

Children love to hear the stories of the Bible that tell them God loves them and that they are to love each other. There is a wonderful Vacation Bible School song sung by children that I learned over twenty five years ago. It would be their natural response to Jesus’ love and command as demonstrated in his own life. It was written by Judith Helms and goes like this:

“Let me be your hands, dear Jesus,
helping those who come my way.
Let me be your feet, dear Jesus,
running errands every day.
Let me be your voice , dear Jesus,
telling people of your love.
Let me share your work, dear Jesus,
Me on earth and you above.
Let me be your ears, dear Jesus,
hearing those who cry for help.
Let me share in helping others
and not just think of myself.”

As a new Deacon, I have been so deeply touched to see how your Deacons go about daily, quietly and behind the scenes carrying out their mission to serve Jesus and show God’s love for all of His children in the world. Today they are calling, texting and e-mailing to communicate and set up meetings to visit the sick, pray with the homebound and to arrange for deliveries of food. I can’t help but think that all of them were at one time just like the children in the Gospels who came to Jesus and were blessed. I wonder, did they hear and learn this song too?

Your support is important, as the need in recent months has been great. April 2014 hit an all- time high: 500 bags given out to persons in need at the food pantry. Our visitation team has been meeting and praying with so many recently hospitalized, recovering from or dealing with illness or end of life issues.

How can you be part of Jesus’ ongoing ministry? Through your continued financial support, your participation in the food pantry, providing “Loaves and Fishes”, providing transportation and your continued prayers. The Deacons are grateful for your gifts and welcome them any time. You can use the designated envelopes in your offering box, write a check or go on-line to make your gift by marking “Deacon Fund” in the memo section. You too can be Jesus’ “hands and feet- His voice and His ears.”

As Tami preached in her sermon the first Sunday after Easter – we are the Body of Christ in the world – we are the proof, the evidence that Jesus lives! It is our response to God’s love and our commitment to obey His command to love one another that is proof positive of the Resurrection and continued loving presence of Jesus in each one of our lives. This, indeed, is the good news of the Gospels!

~ Carol Gaetani for the Deacons

Food Pantry

