October 2009 – 1910’s & 1920’s

From 1912-1926, during Mr. Roberts pastorate, Sunday worship was at 10:30 followed by Sunday School. All this was held in the Sanctuary as there were no other buildings at that time. Evening service began with Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p.m., followed by a short devo-tional service at 8:15. Prayer meeting was held on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Communion was observed quarterly, preceded by a Preparatory service held the Friday evening before.

From 1914-1918, during the First World War, the service flag hung by the pulpit with a star for each young man in the service.

In 1925, the Church was closed for 2 months for decoration of the interior. The exterior had recently been painted so that the renovation was complete. The Ladies Aid Society helped with a liberal donation for the expense.

From May, 1949 to February 1950, the pulpit was vacant except for supply each Sunday or a prospective candidate. Fourteen candidates or ministers helped during this period. The Church did suffer during that time, both financially and from lack of interest.

Check the history board for pictures of the 1940’s.

Dick Hunter, Church Historian
