History of the Organs of the Church and the “New” Pipe Organ

 (The decade starting in 1979 may provide amusement)

1889- An organ existed, and was referred to in the book “Remember Days”

1930- Historical notes by Arthur Lee refer to a new organ in the period 1926-1934

1947- A Hammond Electric Organ is purchased

1967- Electrovoice Electronic organ is purchased

1979- Pastor is quoted as saying that a new organ will be purchased within a year

1983- Committee is formed to investigate the purchase of a new organ

1989- Second committee is formed to investigate the purchase of a new organ

1990- New Austin Pipe Organ delivered

In the session minutes of June 7, 1983, from The Organ Commiteee, Ed Huibregtse: “A 14 rank organ costs about $75,000. A Cassanant Organ Co. is $80,000 for a 13 rank instrument. Electronic organs are cheaper. Yamaha sells small electronic organ for $8,000 to $11,000. Roger Co. has a small organ for $12,000 and a combination electronic and pipe organ for $20,000. (As you can see above, an Austin Pipe Organ was chosen by a later committee, and delivered in 1990)

~History provided by Dick Hunter
