History of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown – Wednesday, January 21 at 7:30pm

Church History GRAPHIC copy

The Yorktown Historical Society and our own church members Chuck Radke, Mark Linehan, and Dick Hunter (Church Historian), will present the history of our church in the sanctuary at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, January 21. This is a unique opportunity to learn about our church’s 285 years of history.

Our church was organized in 1730 by the initial settlers of the area — people who are remembered in the names of our streets and localities. Our first meeting house was built in 1738, and was burned by the British during the American Revolution. The second building was constructed in 1783, and was replaced by our current sanctuary in 1838. The congregation split into two churches in 1806 and reunited in 1865. Through all that time, our church has persisted in its mission of worshiping God “… according to the form of worship used and exercised by the now established Presbyterian Government in that part of Great Britain called Scotland ….”

Come hear the story of how the church has continued that mission throughout almost three centuries.
