Sunday School News

We hope you all had a very Happy New Year! Sunday School has had a great start to 2023 after our wonderful Christmas pageant. Thank you again to everyone who helped make the pageant so successful! This...

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News from Sunday School

Happy December from a very busy Sunday School! We are so happy that Sunday School is thriving and that so many students are participating every week. As ever we are eternally grateful to our fabulous...

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Sunday School News October 2022

Hello friends! It’s October and Sunday School is off to an energetic start this year. One of the very exciting things about this school year in particular is that for the first time – maybe ever...

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Register for Sunday School

This year we are excited to continue on the journey of faith with your children and youth, growing and learning together what it means to love one another, ourselves, the earth, and God. You can have your...

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Youth Ministry Updates for Fall

Dear Families of Middle and High Schoolers – Happy halfway through Summer! With Fall not too far down the road, we are writing to let you know about some exciting new changes and opportunities for...

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Children’s Service June 12 at 10am

Join us (at our Summer single-service time of 10am) as our Sunday School students lead us in worship with the theme of “Our Journey with God.” In-person (masks required) or on our Facebook...

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Sunday School News for March

The Sunday School staff would like to encourage all children and youth to attend Sunday School classes in person. It is our hope that those that have been attending online (and their families) will be...

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Sunday School is Ongoing!

Register your child(ren) (anytime!) As we continue to listen to our doctors and scientists, we are offering in-person faith formation activities as well as hybrid-at home options for Sunday School and...

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