Church School News – May 2023

Greetings from Sunday School!

Sunday School meets at 9:15 am every week and all are welcome, from Kindergarten through high school! We have had a wonderful spring so far. Shine class (grades K-4) has been learning the Lord’s Prayer and creating art from Bible stories we have covered. CONNECT class (grades 5-6) has been learning about Old Testament stories: Genesis, Moses, Israelites exiles, hundreds of years under foreign occupation – then God’s people finally had reason to hope that a savior was on the way! FaithX (grades 7-8) are creating a poster presentation for a Faith X iBible. Each app icon represents a lesson from this year with a brief synopsis. Fathom (high school) has been learning about Justice. They learned to Recognize Injustice, check their prejudice, speak up, and do the work. If you are interested in subbing or teaching next year, please let us know! We can be found in Room 4 while Sunday School is in session.

Love & blessings,
Wanda & Miranda
