For over 30 years, the FPCY Food Pantry has been serving the less fortunate of our community. And as with many things, it started small. As a matter of fact, it was a closet. The Deacons had been reactivated...
Our Mission
Holiday Season Giving Opportunities
Items for the Hat and Mitten Tree, Bedford Prison, and Toys for Teens will be collected during the services on Giving Sunday, December 4. You can find details of what is requested below. (If you are unable...
Annual Alternative Giving Christmas Market: Sundays, November 13 and 20
The Christmas market is sponsored by the Mission Commission and the Sunday School to promote the ideas of honoring Jesus’ birthday by helping others with the gifts we purchase, and of buying less...
Midnight Run—Help Still Needed (By November 10th)
Remaining items needed: Washcloths, shaving cream, combs, new socks, new underwear—sizes L & XL, long johns, warm pants—not dress pants, Sweaters and sweatshirts, long-sleeved shirts, jackets,...
Thanksgiving Turkeys for the Food Pantry! And a Special Offer from ACME
The Food Pantry appreciates gifts of turkeys for our clients’ Thanksgiving dinners. They can be dropped off on Saturday, November 19 at the back door to Room 16 (cemetery side) any time between...
Youth News November 2016
A big thank you is due to everyone who has been helping us put God’s commandment to love our neighbors into practice so far this fall! We’ve made many gallons of soup and organized hundreds...
Urgent Need for Toiletries for Midnight Run, and Volunteers
We have a dire need for items for the toiletry kits for THIS SUNDAY, OCT. 23. Most needed to make at least 75 kits: 52 razors, 66 shampoos, 70 deodorants, and 35 lip balms. For...
The Practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service: Loving and Serving Others – October 16, 2016
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:25-37 Mission Trip Reflections by Pam Darreff, Kathy Winsted, and Karen Mack Sermon by Chip Low: The Practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service: Loving and Serving Others Click...
Please Help the Midnight Run with Toiletries and Warm Clothing
We need help replenishing supplies to put together 60-75 toiletry kits. Please bring your donations by Sunday, October 23, when our Youth group will collate them into kits for the Midnight Run on November...
Reflections of the Atlanta Mission Trip October 16
On October 16, participants in the August mission trip to Atlanta, Georgia will share their experiences at both the 8:30 am and 10:45 am services. Join us!