During this time of Lent, One Great Hour of Sharing is becoming more prominent in the life of the church. The money given to this organization goes to finding relief for natural disasters, providing...
Our Mission
A Clean Way to Help Refugee Families
We are supporting a wonderful effort to provide washing machines to Syrian refugee families in Albany. This is a small part that our congregation can do to help people who are trying to get settled in...
One Great Hour of Sharing – A Short History
One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering made to the church, all throughout Lent, in order to help give assistance to communities around the world suffering from various hardships. Since the end of WWII,...
Rolling out a New Model for the Food Pantry
Food Pantry – Full Choice Informational Meeting February 26th at Noon For nearly thirty years, the FPCY Deacons have been providing food to the needy through a “Partial Choice”...
We Need You! A Message From the Deacons
“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened…” We have opportunities here in our church for you to follow in Jesus footsteps. Yes, for you to follow in...
Do You Have Deposit Bottles and Cans? Help Support Our Mission Trips!
We have an easy way for you to help support our mission trips – bring in your bottles and cans that have a deposit and let the Mission Trip Team collect your refund! There is a specially marked container...
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 28
Our Confirmation Class will be flipping pancakes and our Youth will be serving our annual pancake supper on Tuesday February 28 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The cost is $8 per person or $20...
Can you help the Confirmation Class Midnight Run?
Please bring warm clothing, especially in large sizes, to the Gathering Space by Wednesday February 8. Thank you!
Join us this Summer for Mission Trips!
Join us this Summer for a Mission Trip! The Mission Commission is pleased to offer two exciting opportunities to grow in your faith, bond with members of our church family, and be of service with and...
Souper Bowl of Caring — Sunday, February 5, 2017
The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming...