Did you know that every two seconds someone in American needs a blood transfusion? And did you know that all of us can help? Your blood donation could help a newborn infant, someone being treated for...
Our Mission
Camp Smith and a BIG Donation to the Food Pantry
Look at the size of those cans! U.S. Military Donates Food To FPCY Food Pantry The Office was contacted and Lisa referred the message that a contact at Camp Smith had called and was inquiring if...
August is a Time for the Special Deacons’ Offering
Many of us no longer use offering envelopes, so we don’t get that little twice-a-year reminder about the Deacons’ Fund. In the midst of our blessings, however, the Deacons ask that you remember those...
Pray for Our Montreat Youth Conference Team
This week our prayers are with our Montreat Youth Conference team which departed yesterday. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated to our Mission campaign! Contributions of any size will...
YAV Sunday is August 26
On Sunday, August 26, we will commission Young Adult Volunteers of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to a year of service. The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service...
YAV Elizabeth: Change, next steps, and gratitude
Elizabeth writes: At the end of June, I left Austin with a few boxes packed in my car and a broken heart. Saying goodbye to friends like Alirio and my community, departing from a city that I came to know,...
YAV Emma …. And Dragon Boats
Emma writes: With only two weeks to go in my year of service, I thought I’d take a break from packing and share a bit about an activity I’ve been able to participate outside of my work at Little Children...
Pray For Our Chicago Mission Team
From July 15 through 20, thirteen members of our FPCY family will be working on a variety of service opportunities in Chicago as they seek to “See the face of God in the City” with DOOR. They will...
Blood Drive August 11
Did you know that every two seconds someone in American needs a blood transfusion? And did you know that all of us can help? Your blood donation could help a newborn infant, someone being treated for...
Deacons’ News July 2018
We ask that you join us this summer and throughout the year in lending a helping hand and heart to those in need. Three particular opportunities to help this summer are with our School Supplies and Food...