Focusing on the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life is literally looking into the darkest hours of his life. The last supper he ate, the promises of support but then betrayal and abandonment by the disciples,...
What’s Happening
Session News – February, 2012
Session Members have returned from their retreat at Holmes, having set up new leadership and created plans and goals for the coming year. We welcome our newest elders: Tricia Dineen, Christie Herman, Peter...
February, 2012
One of the many traits about FPCY that I love is the way people engage me and one another in conversation. I noticed it almost immediately after I arrived here, and wanted to encourage it as well as be...
Chip’s Newsletter Article January 2012
Our journey through Advent and Christmas set the course of our ministry in 2012. The way of hope, peace, joy and love takes us into the neighborhoods of our lives to meet Christ in the people and situations...
Longest Night Service, December 21
Longest Night Service Wednesday, December 21st @ 7:30 p.m. For many of us, the Christmas season is a bittersweet time of year. It is a time for remembering people and events that have been a part...
Chip’s December Newsletter Article
November 27th begins the season of Advent. For 28 days, we journey to the manger where we experience God’s presence become flesh and dwelling among us. God’s good news takes human form to tell us we...
Penn State Crisis & Our Children
Friends. I continue to ponder the awful events that have occurred at Penn State and the reality that no institution or its people are immune to such violence. More than anything else, I think about our...
Share Abundantly in Every Good Work!
This is our stewardship theme for this fall as we look to what God is inviting us to do in 2012. The words come from 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 which reads, Remember this: the one who sows sparingly will also...
September Article 2011
I spent a good portion of my vacation time this summer with “my nose in a book.” It’s where I often go for time to imagine, think, converse (in my mind), ponder, and learn from others’ lives...
June, 2011
A friend recently sent me a video clip of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner with the message, “What would happen if you got what you wanted?” After years of watching the coyote try all sorts of methods...