Please join us for the Spring Clean-Up at 8:00am on May 4th. Rain or Shine. we will do whatever we can so bring appropriate attire, gloves and yard work tools. Please contact Vinny Wallace or Katharine...
What’s Happening
Men’s Breakfast April 20
Join Chip in Fellowship Hall for a Mens’ Breakfast at 8am on Saturday. If you would prefer to participate virtually, look for an email from Chip to join by Zoom.
Mental Health Sunday April 28
Join us at both worship services, led by the Mental Health team, focused on the themes of loneliness and different forms of family connectedness within the church. Also join us that evening for Youth...
Potluck Lunch Bunch April 17
Lunch Bunch Wednesday April 17, 2024 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm Fellowship Hall Join us for a Pot Luck Lunch Bunch in Fellowship Hall. No need to RSVP – just bring a dish to share!
New Member Classes Starting April 21
Whether you are already a member or a prospective member, we invite you to come; learn about the government and history of our church; discuss our beliefs, our values; share stories of our backgrounds,...
Battle of Yorktown April 20!
Wage a War on Roadside Litter! In recognition of Earth Day, this annual town event calls on volunteers to help Yorktown stay clean & green by picking up unsightly roadside litter. We need FPCY volunteers...
Women’s Birthday Breakfast April 6– Let us Know You are Coming!
April 6th at 8:00 a.m All Women are invited to our monthly breakfast celebration Please bring a breakfast dish to share. Please let us know you are coming so we can be prepared to welcome...
Women’s Birthday Breakfast April 6
April 6th at 8:00 a.m All Women are invited to our monthly breakfast celebration Please bring a breakfast dish to share. Please let us know you are coming so we can be prepared to welcome...
Women at the Well — Flower Arranging March 24
Women @ the Well Gathering Sunday, March 24 4-6pm in Fellowship Hall, Cost $40 In this workshop led by local floral artist Sarah Gambetta, we will create centerpieces with fresh flowers to decorate your...
Centering Prayer Every Wednesday
Practice making space, with every breath, in which to be aware of God’s presence in and around us. Join us in person or on zoom for half an hour at 7 PM on Wednesday evenings. Look for a Zoom invitation...