LUNCH BUNCH—September 18, noon-2 If you know of anyone who likes to chat, laugh, and eat, Lunch Bunch is the place you want to be! Join us in Fellowship Hall at noon for a Pot Luck. Listen to...
What’s Happening
Men’s Breakfast September 21
September 21 at 8am Attention All Men Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month as we cook breakfast in our wonderful new church kitchen and enjoy a time of fellowship with one another.
Creative Fellowship Opportunities
Our Creative Fellowship Groups are always busy. Learn more about what they do and consider joining in their generous efforts! Knit Togethers: We recently received a very generous and unexpected cash gift...
New Member Classes
You are cordially invited to attend FPCY New Member Classes! Sundays October 6, 13, 20, 27, and Nov. 3 @ 9:15 AM In the conference room next to the office Everyone is invited and welcome to attend. Any...
Blessing of the Animals — October 6 at 2 pm
On Sunday afternoon, October 6th at 2:00 pm, The First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will offer a Blessing of the Pets. The blessing of animals reminds us to celebrate creation, and God’s message...
Tent Take-down Help Needed September 20
We need some extra hands on Friday, September 20 to take down our tent for the season. This is a big task… unless there are enough helpers! We need friendly able-bodied volunteers beginning around...
News from Operations: Summer Project Recap
While our building was full of the sounds of children at the summer music camp over the last few months, Operations & Campaign projects continued. Here are a few highlights: Church Yard Cemetery...
Calling All Grillers! Can You Help?
Calling all grillers! We’d like to grill hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers for the church picnic. Do you have a portable grill that you’d be willing to cook some food on? Do you have a portable...
We Return to Two Services on September 15
We will begin our programmatic year on Sunday, September 15, with worship services in-person at 8am and 10:30am (live online on Facebook at 10:30am). In addition both Faith4Life Adult Education and Sunday...
Church Picnic September 8 Following Single Service!
Join us for the church picnic on Sunday, September 8 after the single 10:30am service. Please sign up to help set up and/or clean up. Please bring a side dish or a dessert—the church will provide the...