40 Cans For Lent

Please join us in “40 Cans for Lent.” Last year we journeyed into the wilderness of food insecurity. This year we’ll walk in our neighbors’ shoes as they strive to exit that insecurity and all...

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Item of the Month: Pasta and Cereal!

This month we are requesting “anything made from wheat,” as the war in Ukraine continues to hit home. We are completely out of these items! Everyone loves pasta! And we invite you to donate all sorts:...

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Souper Bowl of Caring

The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming...

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Update from the Food Pantry

We continued to operate in a pre-packed, masked, socially distanced, drive-by distribution model for 2022, as the challenges of managing high client volume, uncertain supply chains and public health concerns...

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Item of the Month for January: Pasta!

Everyone loves pasta! And we invite you to donate all sorts: regular, whole wheat, veggie-loaded, high-protein… and rigatoni, cork screw, butterfly, ziti, … you get the idea! Variety is the...

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Thank You from the Garden of Hope

Thank you so much to all of the FPCY Garden of Hope volunteers this year! It really is a community effort.  Paul Tesshin Silverman, who many of us know from the interfaith community, wrote a very nice...

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