
The Christian practice of hospitality is the practice of providing a space to take in a stranger. It also encompasses the skills of welcoming friends and family to our tables, to claim the joy of homecoming.

When it is most fully realized, hospitality not only welcomes strangers; it also recognizes their holiness. It sees in the stranger a person dear to and made in the image of God, someone bearing distinctive gifts that only he or she can bring.


Welcome cloud


Hospitality in the Bible. How is the person welcomed in these passages and what happens to host and visitor?

  • Genesis 18:1-15
  • Luke 15:11-32
  • Luke 24:13-25

Click here to read the passages:


Dinner conversation: Describe ways you’ve offered hospitality, or received it. What did you like about it? What did you learn? What would you do differently? How is the meal you share with your family an experience of hospitality, or not? How do you welcome your family to share themselves during the meal?


Are there some people in your neighborhood who seem to practice hospitality especially well? Invite them over and have a conversation about how they learned to be hospitable, and how they understand it.




“Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.”

How prepared are we to welcome visitors at church? Who do we notice when are at church? Whose name do you know and who could we get to know? How is our church designed to say what is happening, where to go and what is important to us?




How is hospitality a social justice issue?

Educate yourself on immigration issues in your state or nation. Look for ways to help shape public policy on immigration.

Donate time at the food pantry to share food and to get to know the people. The food pantry is open twice a month.

Donate food or money to our Food Pantry. Donate online at


Invite people in your community who come from other cultures to help you offer a “taste of __________” evening. Organize it and help provide ingredients for preparing special dishes.


Imagine: You have just inherited a charming bed and breakfast in a small city. You can only keep it if you make it a “welcoming place.” What will you name it? What will be your specialty? What will you serve? Who will be your clientele? What furniture and decorations will you use? Is there something in your answers that you could do now, with or without money?


Invite an architect, landscaper, and/or visitor to talk to you about assessing how your home or church space speaks welcome.


Become a part of our Visit the Visitor program. Bread is available each Sunday to deliver to visitors who join us for worship. Would you be wiling to deliver bread and tell the visitor that we were glad they joined us? Contact the church office to sign up.


Research organizations in your area that house and feed people on an emergency basis. Make copies of addresses and phone numbers, along with simple maps, and keep them in your car. Offer a copy to any panhandlers you meet.


information from and Way to Live.
