Our Big Thanksgiving Pantry — Can You Help?

Thanksgiving is Coming!   Our Thanksgiving distribution sees about 50% more families than any other pantry of the year, so we are planning for 250!

Here are ways you can help us help our neighbors to celebrate with their families:

  • We have been unable to secure enough turkeys to cover our anticipated needs for the November 23rd pantry —  PLEASE CAN YOU HELP?
    We would prefer 10-12 pound turkeys, and to have them dropped off early on the morning of Saturday, November 23rd.  Please contact Katharine Frase if you have questions or concerns — we need to acquire about 100 turkeys, so this is really an “all hands on deck” request!
  • Volunteer at the setup on November 22 or the Pantry on November 23 by signing up below.  Please note that nearly all our tasks will require able bodied folks who can lift cases of canned goods and 20 pound packed bags.

Friday Set-Up—November 22 
Saturday Distribution Help—November 23 

  • We particularly need young people (in age or energy) to help transport food out to the cars — AND — we also need to borrow ANYTHING that looks like a transport wagon — little red wagons, laundry carts, garden carts — to help in this transportation.  The only way we will be able to serve all our clients in the allotted time is with wheels and strong arms!
  • Food donations —  What we really need (besides the turkeys mentioned above) are:

Breakfast cereal (NOT the big boxes please)

Canned fruit other than pears

Corn Muffin Mix (it’s the item of the month as well)

Any Questions?  Contact Debbie Bernardini or Katharine Frase
Your pantry team —