Garden of Hope — Harvest season at the garden is here!

The Thursday harvests are smaller than last year, but still respectable. Green beans have been a staple, with peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, squash, radish also yielding well. It has been a challenging growing season with many animal pests. Much of our energy is going to securing the deer fence with an additional rabbit fencing. We can always use volunteers. The main need is with harvesting on Thursday after 4pm or working on other projects on Saturday 10-2, when Janet, the master-gardener can direct. The Garden of Hope is located at Willow Park off of Curry St in Yorktown. Especially on the 2nd and 4th weeks when the harvest is going to our pantry it is nice to have an FPCY presence. We can also use help with packaging and preparing the harvest for the food pantry distribution on Friday. Any volunteer is welcome to contact me on realm or text me (Dawna 206-947-7173) if they need direction or want to arrange a time to work.
