Garden Progress– Work has Begun!

The gardens immediately in front of the Gathering Space and along the hedge bordering the entrance walk have been cleared of weeds, matrix type premium weed-control cloth laid down and then three inches of large pine-bark nuggets placed over the weed-control cloth. This work has improved the looks of these areas and, hopefully, will lessen maintenance in the future. Our plan is to plant three Gold Cone Junipers in the area immediately in front of the hose bib. A hose holder has been added for keeping the hoses off the ground.

Work on the “hardscape” in our interior courtyard garden began on April 4. This work resulted in a patio 12 ft in diameter with walkways from all three entrances to the garden. The patio and walkways are of Unilock Pavers and contrasting Edgers. We are adding furniture consisting of three benches, one large center table and 2 smaller tables between the benches.

Following this initial construction work, the Ad Hoc Committee will be active in selecting plants for locations throughout the garden. The flower boxes that have been added under the windows on the South & East sides of the garden will be filled with flowering plants as soon as the weather permits.

Donations Have Made all of this Possible: We are profoundly grateful for three anonymous donations which are making this reimagining of certain of our external gardens and the Agape Garden possible. The Ad Hoc Committee is anxious for our membership to see more of the results of several months of planning and work. The members of the Ad Hoc Committee are Judy Chessa, Connie Knapp, Katharine Frase, Karen Gerth, Bud Coccodrilli, Jerry Amato, Tami Seidel and Dick Seymour.

~Dick Seymour, Ad Hoc Committee
