HOLY IMAGINATION + RACE: How the Church Can Be a Healing Force in America’s Racial Divide

September 15 at 2 p.m. ET — 90-minute Presbyterian Outlook webinar

Presented by Kerry Connelly

Sponsored by Presbyterian Publishing — Free of charge to participants

Learn more and register

There is no denying what history makes clear: Systemic racism in America is deeply entwined with the history of the institutional church. Even today, the church must look at our complicity — which at times has been overt, and other times the product of mere silence. The good news – and there is good news – is that the church is in the business of redemption and prophetic imagination. That means that the church can lead toward a more just world that truly resembles the realm of God.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Begin to understand and deconstruct white identity and how it operates in the world.
  • Understand the process of this deconstruction, and how it resembles the stages of grief.
  • Learn how to practice agency over embedded whiteness, unconscious bias & inherent racism.
  • Get practical tips on how to combat systemic racism.
  • Acquire language and tools to companion others in their process of deconstructing whiteness and other systems of dominance.
  • Learn how the church can be an agent of change and justice in the current racial divide.


KERRY CONNELLY is a certified coach, speaker and the author of “Good White Racist? Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice” and “Pause: Making Time to Walk with God.” She holds additional certifications in DISC personality, emotional intelligence and global citizenry and is a New York City Leadership Fellow.
