Easter Offering to Support Puerto Rico Mission Trip

All of the funds raised by the Easter Offering (taken through the end of April) will be used to support this year’s mission trip to Puerto Rico, or to otherwise support Porto Rico in their time of need. The Easter Offering is a component of a multi-pronged campaign to raise substantial funds for this mission trip.

Each year, the mission commission sponsors a domestic or international mission trip. These trips serve the dual purpose of helping people in the communities we visit and helping those members of our congregation who participate grow in spirit, understanding, and perspective. While participants pay for their travel and meals, the church provides a substantial supplement to help cover other trip expenses, including supplies.

As of a few weeks ago, the leadership of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has asked that all groups of volunteers suspend their plans for travel through June. We will continue to watch for and follow guidance from both PDA and our mission partners in Puerto Rico over the next few months. As we know, communities in Puerto Rico continue to be in need of assistance with the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Maria which devastated much of the island in September of 2017. Reconstruction and recovery was further complicated by the rapid series of strong earthquakes that hit in January of this year. We want to be a physical presence of love, support, and person-power to be a part of that recovery this summer, but we will proceed with planning for this presence when we are sure that our presence will not be an additional burden on the community.

Donations to the Easter offering can be made anytime by using the special offering envelope, by marking the check “Easter Offering,” or by using the online link.
