Youth (and Everyone Else) Invited to Hike This Weekend

This Sunday, let’s take a walk after church! Our Congregational Life commission invites our whole church family to take a hike this Sunday, September 29 at 12:30.

Youth Bell Choir rehearsal will be short this week so our bell ringers can participate too (thanks, Garrett!).

If you and your family are coming hiking, please let us know.  

We will meet in our parking lot to carpool over to Turkey Mountain – Route 118, Yorktown Heights (or you can meet us there). Bring a bag lunch and beverage and we’ll eat lunch at the top of the hill.

Just for fun, there will be a photography contest for photos taken on the hike. A youth and adult “best photo” will be chosen by popular vote.

Since we’ll be hiking Sunday afternoon, we won’t have Youth Group at our regular time this Sunday evening, but mark these dates on your calendar for our upcoming meetings:

October 13: Middle School 4:30- 6; High School 6-8 pm
October 27: Middle School 4:30- 6; High School 6-8 pm
November 10: Middle School 4:30- 6; High School 6-8 pm

(Please note that the All Youth Lock-In is still in the works, but we’re not ready to schedule it just yet… but it will happen)

And now a word for our Adults:
We’re looking for some awesome adults to come spend time with our equally awesome Youth – either at an occasional special event or as a regular Youth Group volunteer.

Whether you’ve helped us out in the past or you’re feeling a new call to get to know more of our Youth, we periodically need to update our list of super fantastic grown-ups willing to come join in the fun.

Please fill out our Adult Youth Ministry helper survey, an easy way to let us know how you want to be involved. You’ll see a check list of different ways we can use your talents.

Have you ever wanted to help out with a Lock-In? Do you have a special skill or area of expertise you’d like to share with us? We’ve got some great ideas and energy for things we want to do and topics we want to talk about. Our Youth have interests that range from mindfulness practices and stress management to outdoor activities like skiing and kayaking. And sometimes we just like to eat and play games. If any of that sounds like fun to you, please let us know!
