Camp Smith and a BIG Donation to the Food Pantry

Look at the size of those cans!

U.S. Military Donates Food To FPCY Food Pantry

The Office was contacted and Lisa referred the message that a contact at  Camp Smith had called and was inquiring if our food pantry was interested in a food donation. Upon returning the call it was determined that a tour of duty was finishing up for a group of soldiers from the National Guard and the barracks were being vacated that day resulting in surplus food that needed to be immediately removed from the kitchen galley storeroom. My Assessment…. Free Food & a New Contact—all good!!!!!

I explained we would be interested only in non-perishable  grocery products and was invited to Camp Smith . The contact asked–  “are you coming with a truck”? My answer was –No, just a mid sized SUV

To gain access to the base my vehicle , ID etc were “thoroughly” examined. Tight security and the presence of well-armed guards was a bit unsettling but it did not deter my quest for free donated food.

Driving on to the base, under escort, and arriving at the kitchen mess hall I was told to stay by my vehicle and the food items would be carried out to me. With military precision the door opened and a stream of soldiers emerged,  each one, carrying two huge canned food items or a case of potato chips.

Considering that the canned beans, tomato sauce, mushroom pieces, pizza sauce and sauerkraut came in very large cans each weighing over 5 pounds…….. it was time to recalibrate how much food I would be able to take.

They quickly filled the cargo hatch and the soldiers were very interested in what we did … Food Pantry, Homeless Shelter support, Midnight  Runs etc. which resulted in the highlight of the experience in that a Chaplain came forward from the group and offered a “Blessing to FPCY Pantry and Staff.”

And we did get very unique food items for distribution at our Pantry Supplies Table!!!

~Bud Coccodrilli

