A Message of Gratitude from one of our Young Adult Volunteers

In a recent post, Shaina Miller in Peru, one of the Young Adult Volunteers we commissioned, gets honest about how hard her experience is at times.

Anyways, life is difficult for me here. I’m a nature girl and not having it around me makes me cranky. I don’t have much control over what, how much, or when I eat; which also makes me cranky. My language skills are still in progress and it makes for a lot of communication problems, which makes me cranky. I miss my family, my relationship, my pets; and that of course makes me very cranky….

But she continues:

I need to change the way I view the imperfections of my life. Because I am so grateful, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other than here. I want to tell my stories and have people love Peru and feel all that I feel for this place, not the silly complaints. The silly things that after the year is over won’t matter anymore.

You can follow each of our Young Adult Volunteers at the following links:

Alexander Sprague (Chinook, MT) https://alexspragueyav.wordpress.com/
Emily Stevens (Asheville, NC) https://emilystevensyav.wordpress.com/

