Souper Bowl Sunday is Here!

The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming the nation’s biggest weekend of football into its largest weekend of giving.

The Superbowl (the football game, that is) is this Sunday, February 11. You can bring your donation of non-perishable items (cans of fruit, vegetables, beans, etc., as well as pasta, cereal, and shelf-stable milk) to the church on that Sunday. You might consider this your “down payment” on our 40 cans (+) for Lent during which we will continue to collect donations for our food pantry, as Lent begins on Thursday, February 15.

As a special event on Superbowl Sunday, we will offer tours of our “choice” pantry in Room 7 following each service, so you can see how our pantry operates for our clients!

Thank you!

If you would like to make a food donation, Please Note:
  • Non-Perishable FOOD Only
  • NO Food with expired dates on the packages. 
  • Donate the quality of food you would serve to your own family. 

Online contributions to the Food Pantry are also most welcome

