From our Mental Health Awareness Sunday

On April 28 we had two speakers offer testimonials about loneliness, faith, and the “strings” which connect us all. We are pleased to share them here. From Tamsin Levine: Seen, Heard, and...

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The Pulse of Generosity — Abby Cross

This Fall the Stewardship Commission asked members of FPCY to speak about their motivation to be generous. We are happy to share Abby Cross’s words with you and hope that you will find inspiration...

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DR Mission Trip Reflections

On Sunday, September 22, Ethan Brown, Connie Knapp, and Stephanie Hare, who participated in the Dominican Republic summer mission trip, offered reflections on their experiences. The full reflections in...

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Church School Teacher Reflection

Why do I teach cooking? Well, the children are fun! They are the coolest and cooking with them is very exciting! If you have never seen a three year old crack an egg, or a four year old whisk up some...

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Prophets and Kings — Connie Knapp

Connie Knapp reflects on some teachings from the current Disciple study, and writes: I ask: Who are today’s prophets? Who are today’s kings? And I wonder, am I so much a part of the sins...

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Giving and Receiving – By Connie Knapp

At A Curious Faith, Connie Knapp writes about the blessing of being on the receiving end of “do this for the least of these.” 34Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come,...

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