Youth: What’s coming up in March?

This Tuesday, March 5, we need you at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Our Confirmation Class will be staffing the kitchen and all other Middle and High School Youth are needed to be greeters and servers.

Click here to sign up

The supper runs from 5:30 – 7:30

  • Volunteers can sign up to come early to set up and serve the first shift, serve the second shift and help clean up at the end, or help for the entire evening.
  • Yes, you will get to eat pancakes and sausage.
  • And yes, you will earn community service hours
 Proceeds from the supper will support our crew going to Presbyterian Youth Triennium this summer!
Sunday, March 10, join us for Youth Groups: 
Middle School 4:30 – 6 pm
High School 6 – 8 pm
Interfaith Bowling on Sunday,March 24, 6 – 8 pm 
at Jefferson Valley Lanes  Sign up
Join with our friends from faith traditions from all around the greater Yorktown area for an evening of fun! Cost is $12 and includes bowling, shoe rental, pizza and beverages.