Youth News June 2016

youth_ministry_postWow! How did it get to be June already? I don’t know about you, but it feels like this year has been going by crazy fast.

I’d like to extend a big thanks to Debbie Bernardini for hosting our first ever Youth house for the Progressive Dinner in May! Thanks for being such a wonderful host, Debbie (and thanks to Lucky the dog too)!

Our next Youth Group gathering is on Sunday, June 12th. All Youth are invited to help out with the Labyrinth clearing work party which starts at 2 pm. Please wear sturdy sneakers and work gloves (and maybe a little bug spray would be a good idea too). If you can bring a rake from home, that would be great!

After the Labyrinth work party, we will have an End of the Year Youth Celebration from 4 – 6 pm, with games, snacks, and pizza. We will celebrate this year of fellowship and service, and this time of transition for everyone. All Youth from 6th – 12th grade are invited.

Even though it’s time to look forward to Summer vacation, the Youth of FPCY are hardly slowing down. Teen counselors (those that have completed 6th grade on up) are needed for Vacation Bible School in July – see the here for more details. Speak to Steph or Tami with any questions. Fun times are going to be had by all. Plans are in the works for the 2016-17 year of activities. If any youth have an idea for an activity or project that you think would be fun for Youth Group, feel free to send Steph an email or a text (or a Tweet, a Facebook message, an Instagram photo, or just talk to me, that’s good too).

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 12th!

Steph, Director of Youth Ministries

