Youth Meetings Tonight!

Hey everybody!
It’s Wednesday again! Join us this evening for our online Youth Gatherings!
Middle School Youth – 5 pm 

High School Youth – 7 pm 
Get the meeting info from Steph or check your email!
New this week: in addition to passwords, there are  some new security features enabled in Zoom.
Everyone who logs into the meeting will briefly be held in the virtual “waiting room” until I let you in. So please make sure your name on your device clearly identifies you or your family if you’re using a family device – eg: Steph Hare, or Hare Family – so I know it’s you (if you want to change your name to something like Mighty Monte the Magnificent after the meeting starts, that’s totally fine).
And… In case you missed it, church services have been streaming at 10:45 on Sunday mornings via Facebook Live at

And we’re even doing Holy Week services online this week!
Maundy Thursday: 7:30 pm 
Good Friday: 7:30 pm 
Easter Sunday: 6:15 am & 10:45 am
You don’t need a Facebook account to sign in and your family can watch and participate in them live, or go back and watch them at another time.
Is your picture in the Sanctuary yet?
If not, take a selfie and email it to (that’s prayer, with no “s” at the end), so that Chip, Tami, and Garrett can see you.
You can also use that email address to send in any prayer requests that you have, like the way we usually do Joys and Concerns on Sunday morning, but now you can ask for prayers anytime.
A note about Montreat Youth Conference: 
I spoke with our contact at Montreat last week and they wanted to make sure that we know that everyone in New York is being prayed for big time in western North Carolina! As of right now, Montreat is planning on holding their full schedule of programming this summer, including all Youth Conference activities.
However, we understand that plans may need to change based on the most up to date information available for the health and safety of all travelers and participants. We are going to wait on collecting registration fees and forms for the time being, but stay tuned for updates (and feel free to keep practicing energizers!).
Looking forward to seeing you all later today!