Youth Kickoff Campfire September 15!

Youth Ministry

Lots of things come to mind when we think about fall. Pumpkin spice, corn, harvest, football, changing and falling of leaves, rain, umbrellas, haystacks, scarecrows, pecan pie, apple pie, orchards, corn maze, gourds, ghosts, costumes, candy apples, kettle corn, festivals, school (you know you miss it), and Youth Group!!!

We hope you all had a wonderful Summer. Let’s create a spark from the embers we left at the end of last year and have a Kickoff Camp Fire!! – Sunday, September 15th, 2023 5-7pm

  • Let’s have some Hot Dogs, roasted Marshmallows, S’mores, and other campfire foods/snacks
  • Let’s talk about our Summer and the coming school year!

Can’t wait to see everyone’s smiling faces again. Meet out back of the church by the labyrinth. Oh and bring chairs if you have them.

If you have any questions, ideas, or random thoughts please don’t hesitate to contact Kaycee or Tami