Youth Group Meetings March 2015

Youth group March 2015 POST

March 8 4:30-6

Your mind is far more powerful than you realize.

  • Can you really create your own reality with just your mind?
  • Can you imagine what God looks like?
  • How does breathing help you think better for a test?
  • Is thinking the same thing as praying?

Connie Knapp & Margery Rossi will pose brain teasers like these to ponder.
Come, and bring a brainy friend.



March 22 4:30-6

Stewardship of the Mind means taking the best possible care of our minds, which means we have to talk about education.

  • What is the value of school?
  • Is school a privilege to embrace or a requirement to endure?
  • What role does education have in our lives as Christians?

All middle school students and their friends are welcome to attend.

For more information go to the youth website

