Welcome Stephanie Hare as Director of Youth Ministries!

msyouth-stonypointAt its monthly meeting Tuesday night, the Session of our church voted unanimously to hire Stephanie Hare as our next Director of Youth Ministries. Many of you already know Stephanie in her various roles as choir member and member of the Mission Commission, among others. Stephanie led the team on the mission trip to the Dominican Republic this past summer, and also participated in the Middle School mission trip to Stony Point, pictured here.

In conversations with her, Stephanie shared a deep sense of calling to this new role in the life of our church. She wants students to feel a sense of welcome to church. She wants them to have a place where they are cared for and loved. And, she loves the vision of youth and adults working in ministry together.

Stephanie is moving from her initial role as a member of the youth ministry planning team to now being the Director of Youth Ministries. Session approved the job description at its meeting as well. This new job description increases the hours of the position to 20 hours a week from 10 and doubles the compensation as a result. It is important to note that we are not hiring Stephanie to do the work of youth ministry for us, but to follow her lead in engaging youth in a sustaining, vital, relevant and faithful ways.

As you consider your financial commitment and the invitation to raise your pledge by 1% of your annual income, please know that your generosity has an impact on the youth ministry of our church.

Please welcome Stephanie (youth@fpcyorktown.org) to the staff of our church, pray for her, our youth and adults, and discern your role in nurturing faith and hope in our young people.
