Tuesday is Youth Group Ice Skating!

This Tuesday, February 19, join us at 11 am for ice skating at Bear Mountain State Park followed by pizza!
All Middle and High School Youth are invited; no experience is necessary.
Please register!
Click here:  tinyurl.com/fpcy-skating2019 and follow the sign up instructions. 
Please RSVP by Monday, 2/18.
We’ll meet up at FPCY at 11 am to carpool to Bear Mountain and then return to Yorktown for pizza afterwards. Parents can pick up at 3 pm. The cost of the event is $10 per skater which includes entrance to the rink, skate rental and pizza. (If the weather turns uncooperative, we’ll meet up at 3 pm on Sunday, Feb 24).
We need you to volunteer on Tuesday evening, March 5 at the 
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Our Confirmation Class will be staffing the kitchen and all other Youth are invited to be greeters and servers.
  • The supper runs from 5:30 – 7:30
  • Volunteers can sign up to come early to set up and serve the first shift, serve the second shift and help clean up at the end, or help for the entire evening.
  • Yes, you will get to eat pancakes and sausage.
  • And yes, you will earn community service hours
  •  Sign up using this link: tinyurl.com/fpcy-pancakes2019
 Proceeds from the supper will support our crew going to Presbyterian Youth Triennium this summer!
All youth are invited to jump in to any Youth activity at any time, whether they’ve been coming all year, only come once, or want to try out Youth Group for the first time.  We can’t wait to see you!
Mark your calendars for these upcoming Youth Activities:
Tuesday, February 19 – All Youth Ice Skating – 11 am
Sign up with the link above!
(Foul Weather date: Sunday, 2/24 – 3 pm)
Tuesday, March 5 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
(Registration now open)
Sunday, March 10 – Middle School Youth Group, 4:30-6 pm

High School Youth Group, 6-8 pm
Sunday, March 24 – All Youth Interfaith Bowling 6-8 pm
(Watch for sign up info soon)
Questions about anything? Let me know!
Steph Hare