Youth Group First Meetings September 27

Youth News Sept 27 2015 POST

Welcome back!  It was a busy, full summer, and now it’s time to get our new year of activities underway. Please see the meeting schedule for meeting dates to put in your calendar.

Our first Middle School Youth Group meeting will be on Sunday, September 27, 4:30-6:00 PM in Room 17 (Youth Room)

Our High School youth group will meet on Sunday, September 27, Room 17, 6:00-7:30 PM.

Youth Ministry at FPCY got off to a fantastic start this year with our Mission Trips over the summer. Did you know that of the 42 people who went on these three trips, 25 were kids? That means there’s a LOT to think and talk about from these trips – youth group is a great place to keep the conversation going about what we experienced, what we learned, ask our big questions and practice being the disciples Jesus has called us to be. Join us – and bring your questions, your stories and your pictures to share! (And remember to thank all the adults who planned and chaperoned, as well!)

On our Mission Trips to both Derrumbadero, Dominican Republic and to the Stony Point Center Farm, we learned about some of the injustice and problems involved in producing food: environmental damage from pesticides, poor wages and working conditions for farmers, unhealthy methods for growing crops. In both the Middle and High School Youth Groups, we will continue our focus on food justice through November, but will turn our attention to the unjust distribution of food – who has access to healthy, high quality food and who doesn’t? Why?

Lori Hylton, Hudson River Presbyery’s own expert on food justice matters, will lead these meetings along with adult volunteers from FPCY. Join us as we explore what the bible and the church have to say about food justice; pray about food justice; spend some time thinking about what we do as individuals and as a church to show that this matters to us; and then, find ways to serve God and our neighbors to bring about more justice!

We will close this unit by attending the Yorktown Community Thanksgiving Celebration together on November 22.

We have a new webpage! Please visit for regular updates on youth ministry programs.
